Four actors. Nine movies. Three nights of mayhem at Brisbane’s grooviest underground bars.
Get on the edge of the action and bring a drink... It's time to take a look back on some of the worst movies ever made. Why not?
From '60s sci-fi bugfest 'The Wasp Woman' to the '70s demented bloodfest 'Dracula AD 1972', there's a new triple feature every weekend.
Classic horror fans can revel in a spine-tingling triple feature of 'The House That Dripped Blood', 'Zoltan: Hound Of Dracula', and 'Dracula AD 1972' on 26 May in particular, complete with musical numbers, low-budget special effects and audience interaction – and that’s just the beginning.
'B-Movies: Live' creator Willem Whitfield is looking forward to sharing these films with Queensland.

“I grew up watching nothing but '60s vampire movies and the weirdest cinema I could find in Blockbuster’s bargain bin,” Willem says.
“This show is such a beautiful homage to those films. Our team really has a deep affection for Schlock cinema.”
The ticket for 'B-Movies: Live!' includes a goodie bag full of prizes, toys and tools that you’ll need during the show.
Produced by Kristian Fletcher, Brisbane’s long-reigning Prince of Retro and curator of the Rocky Horror floorshow nights, retro dance parties and cult cinema events, 'B-Movies: Live!' promises to be a raucous satire of the last century of cinematic slop – a great night out for film buffs and party animals alike.
'B-Movies: Live!' plays Heya Bar every Sunday from 12-26 May.