After an in-person introduction to the film by Jason Momoa himself at the Gold Coast premiere, 'Aquaman' launched into action and presented some of the best visual effects this reviewer has ever seen.
The underwater world is teeming with life and colour.
Amber Heard surprises with her portrayal of Mera. She has her moments, but there are certain points in the film that have your blood pumping and she handles a lot of the stunts and action sequences marvellously. Jason Momoa gives Aquaman an edge, and a bit of depth on screen. He's alluring as a personality but also nails the terrifyingly powerful side of the hero.
Nicole Kidman is a stand-out too; truly regal in her role of Queen Atlanna.
The plot holds together fairly well, and is interesting enough from beginning to end that the film – which is almost two-and-a-half hours long – feels full and doesn't drag.
It's an energetic and high-octane production where the 'surface world' is seen as the bad place by those who live below it... There are even some small comments about pollution and the environment that do hold up. It's great to see an over-the-top hero flick that is able to touch on real-life issues without being completely ridiculous and naff.
Another fabulous element to this film is the music. Its score by Harry Gregson-Williams is a necessary addition to such a visually stunning film, giving it extra expression and personality.
Still not sure if I love or incessantly loathe the Pitbull/Rhea version of Toto's 'Africa' on the soundtrack, though. Purists, stay away from it.
Let's take a minute to focus more on the visual effects here. Genuinely incredible. Rich, deep blues bring the ocean to life while the lights of Atlantis and other cities of the sea are ridiculously believable. The buildings under the sea are tall and inviting. Every fantasy film from this moment on should look to 'Aquaman' for an example of worldbuilding at its finest.
This is some groundbreaking work from those involved and – above the premise and cast – will ultimately be 'Aquaman''s selling point. It's worth grabbing tickets to the film based on this alone... It truly is.
If you're interested in witnessing a film that could easily set the standard for visual effects in the future, 'Aquaman' should be your go-to. Script and storyline aren't on the same level, but all things considered this film is an overall great success.