Room Service
Halloween has hit the AHS universe as Iris is cut loose, Liz Taylor gets an origin and one of the most gruesome scenes in the show's history unfolds
Speaking of Iris, the woman can catch not a break. After being absent through the previous episode, Donavon drags his mother, who he brought back to life after her suicide attempt, to Ramona's mansion. Donavon suggests Iris act as their person on the inside to help them get revenge on the Countess. But why the blood-starved new vampire? Because the Countess never acknowledges her. As Donavon tells his own mom, "You're invisible. No one ever notices you."
Side note: Remember when Donavon was going to be nice to his mum? That lasted for not even a second.
Alex is seen dealing with that family you probably forgot about – that has appeared for a couple minutes in almost every episode so far. Alex gives Max, the boy with measles, some of her blood to cure him. This backfires when the boy goes on a killing and infecting spree. He murders his parents, infects a girl in his class, murders his teacher, gives all of his classmates the measles and then has the pre-teen horde snack on a nearby teacher. The school goes into lock down, but all the bloodied kids – who apparently are now skilled sociopathic criminals – blame the mess on a man in a black mask. Despite the scene being suitably disturbing, one can't help but wonder how critical it will be to the rest of the season.

Iris stumbles back into the hotel, the Countess and Tristan notice are on their way out, they seemingly can't tell why she smells different. Further raising her stress is a hipster couple (Darren Criss and Jessica Lu) who check in and demand grilled romaine salad and pâté from room service.
Liz Taylor is having none of this. "Bitches want pâté? We'll give them pâté," as Liz and Iris plop cat food on a plate. Iris feels guilty though, as this is the most she and her chrome-dome new friend have ever talked despite working together for 20 years.

Iris, inspired, gives the couple their cat food. She tires of the insults hurled by the privileged duo and makes quick work of them with a bottle opener, screaming "I MATTER!, providing Kathy Bates with the kind of memorable scene she has rarely received this season.
John wakes up to find Sally with him. He apparently was all over her but doesn't remember a thing. He kicks her out, but she vows they are destined to come back to each other again and again; since Sally pretty clearly represents addiction this season, maybe she is some kind of darkness the unstable former detective can't help but be drawn to?
What did you think of the killer classroom scene? Classic horror or pure shock value? Will Liz get more to do this season now that know more about her? Will Donavon and John ever become even remotely likeable/ interesting? Find out next week!