Alex Cross Review

Alex Cross
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.
Tyler Perry, Matthew Fox. Directed by Rob Cohen.

What could have been a nice addition to the already brilliant adaptations of James Patterson's Kiss the Girls and Along Came A Spider, Rob Cohen's Cross, is decidedly below average.

The movie begins by introducing the villain, played by a ripped and creepier version of Lost-Party-of-Fiver, Matthew Fox. After ten minutes or so Alex Cross (Perry) walks on the scene to investigate the aftermath of Fox’s brutal slaying. Then the story goes like this. Hero chases Villain. Villain gets annoyed by Hero interrupting his killing. Villain kills Hero’s Wife and Colleague. Hero gets angry (grrrr) and chases Villain. The End.

Everything about this movie was bad. The acting, dialogue and cinematography. All of it was just awful. If you're asking how Alex Cross could be that bad, you may as well ask how you could possibly make a good detective film from the DNA of XXX or The Fast and the Furious. Cohen, the director of these films, must have been accidently selected for this movie.

Granted, he is capable of directing a mind-numbing Hollywood money-spinner.
 That's something, right?

★ 1/2

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