With a July tour upcoming to promote her forthcoming album 'Saudades', Leah Flanagan is a songwriter with Venetian, Aboriginal and Irish heritage, who draws deep from a fascinating historical, geographical and cultural mix.
She also has a soft side for 'Wayne's World' and believes the movie's best quotes are great for everyday interactions. “I grew up watching the 'Wayne’s World' movies and learning the dialogue line by line.
“It's been years since I've watched either of the movies, but every now and then I find myself using a quote in my everyday interactions with people; or just cracking myself up revisiting the odd scene in my head. It’s usually in a public place where people must think I’m a little mad.

“Off the top of my head, these are some of the lines that I use from time to time.”
Still the best way to acknowledge the hotness of somebody in the room.{youtube}AUP1yD9tgvo{/youtube}
Phil, if you’re going to spew….spew into this
We all have that one mate, right?{youtube}KvzrguhmK0o{/youtube}
Garth. You’re in a forest with Heather Locklear… and it’s very very warm
I use this line to try calm people down when they’re in a fluster.The shop keeper and his son, well that’s a whole different story. I had to beat them to death with their own shoes.
When you need to strike fear into the minds of those who aren't taking you seriously (and why should they when you think of 'Wayne's World' so often... really).If you book them. They will come.
This is what I think of when I am contracting artists in my day job.{youtube}NZN0A0U6ysg{/youtube}
Leah Flanagan Tour Dates
Thu 14 Jul - The Bearded Lady (Brisbane)Fri 15 Jul - Leaps & Bounds Festival (Melbourne)
Sat 16 Jul - The Grand Poobah (Hobart)
Sun 17 Jul - The Jade Monkey (Adelaide)
Thu 21 Jul - Midnight Special (Sydney)
Sat 23 Jul - Sunset Studio (Newcastle)
Sun 24 Jul - Front Bar and Gallery (Canberra)