The fifth annual Transitions Film Festival returns to Adelaide with an inspirational line-up of game changing documentaries.
The films in this year’s festival paint a portrait of a world that is waking up and rising to the challenges of global civilisation at an unprecedented speed. Showing that we don’t need revolutionary inventions or breakthrough technologies to create a better world. If we ask good questions and recalibrate our vision in the right way, we can create remarkable change.
Set against an ever-increasing thirst for fossil fuels by the extractive industry and the Australian government, 'Black Hole' is an exposé of the ongoing battle to save the last of an endangered woodland forest from being cleared to make way for the most controversial largest open cut coalmine in production in Australia.
Director of 'Black Hole', Joao Dujon Pereira, highlights 5 small but powerful changes we can make to change our future:
That’s The Way It’s Always Been Isn’t An Answer
The best way to do things is not the way we’ve always done them. We should challenge the status quo often, not for the sake of challenge, but in order to be sure that we are doing things the best and most productive way possible.
Two Raging Grannies
We Are Not A Part Of Society, We Are Society
Being a part of society, subconsciously implies that as an individual we will pick what actions as a society we take responsibility for. If we begin to think we are society, it transforms us from being self-interested individuals, into being the sum of the whole.
!0 Billions: What's On Your Plate?
Integrity Is The Key
As a filmmaker it is not lost on me the privilege of people entrusting their story to me. Reputation is everything and the backbone of reputation is integrity. I truly feel I came from the deepest place of integrity when making 'Black Hole', and thus allowed me to create a film that could be viewed by people with varying opinions. Giving the greatest chance to bring awareness of an important and significant piece of Australian history, while minimising alienating anyone with differing opinions. Being in integrity is not always easy, but it is an integral part of facilitating meaningful and on going change.Be That Somebody
Everyone has their own unique talents, we just need to know what they are and how they can be utilised in a particular situation. I never planned on making a 'Black Hole' as a feature documentary. My initial thought was to make a short film, but in my first visit to Maules Creek I realised what was happening was a piece of Australian history. I thought, someone should make a feature documentary about it. In that moment I realised that somebody could be me and I made the choice that I was that somebody for that situation.
Ice And The Sky
Power In Numbers
I decided to make 'Black Hole' due in major part of seeing how a few individuals create a ground swell, which may not of necessarily stopped what they wanted to stop. Nonetheless it created the most unlikely of alliances and empowered a diverse cross section of society, engaging in real social democracy in a system that looks less like a democracy with each day that passes. One person can make a difference, but when there is power in numbers it helps protect the individuals.'Black Hole' screens Mercury Cinemas followed by a Q&A with Director 25 May as part of Transitions Film Festival which runs 20-29 May. Win tickets to Transitions Film Festival.