5 Movie Characters You Want To Sit Next To On A Plane With Cosmo Thundercat

Peter Whitman
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Adelaide’s folk rockers Cosmo Thundercat are about to set off on tour for the release of their second EP, ‘Warning Bell’.

They have many unique stories to tell about their times touring and supporting artists including They Might Be Giants, Augie March, The John Steel Singers and Thirsty Merc, but when we came to them for a Top 5, they gave us something a little different.

With the distances they are travelling the band is inherently flying, which has had them thinking/ wishing/ dreaming about the potential movie characters they’d love to find themselves sitting next to for some amazing, in-flight entertainment.

1. Willy Wonka ('Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory')

The eccentric and mysterious candy man. Although we might annoy him with questions about the chocolate river and the Everlasting Gobstopper, we’re certain if the plane went down, he would at least give one of us a fizzy lifting drink.

2. Lester Bangs ('Almost Famous')

“I stay at home, I’m uncool.” The legendary music journalist, Lester Bangs would provide awesome in-flight entertainment as he rants about the music of today.


3. The Bride ('Kill Bill')

She’s a former member of the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad and a ruthless warrior trained under a martial arts master. Those annoying little bags of peanuts can be pretty tough to open; where is a Hattori Hanzo sword when you need one?

4. Vincent MacKenna ('St. Vincent')

Bill Murray as a Vietnam War veteran and retiree. He is a cranky alcoholic who smokes and gambles regularly but has a heart of gold. Bob Dylan sing-alongs and drinks, count us in.


5. Peter Whitman ('The Darjeeling Limited')

Adrien Brody, what a champion. Peter is one of the three Whitman brothers from Wesley Anderson’s, 'The Darjeeling Limited'. The film follows them as they travel across India by train in an attempt to ‘bond’. Although this character is a little bit of wet mop (he’s grieving, it’s a process), his style is on point. Those shades.


Cosmo Thundercat Tour Dates

Thu 13 Oct - The Milk Factory (Brisbane)
Fri 14 Oct - Eat Street Markets (Brisbane)
Sat 22 Oct - Bar 303 (Melbourne)
Sat 5 Nov - The Grace Emily (Adelaide)

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