5 Film Quotes For Ben & Jerry's Openair Cinemas

V For Vendetta
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Ben & Jerry's Openair Cinemas will be playing the hottest new releases at crowd-favourite Brisbane South Bank venue and a new season at the Gold Coast's Broadbeach.

Cult classics are always some of the most popular attractions. So the team at Openair asked a selection of the event's live music acts and staff for their favourite film quotes:


"A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having." – V, 'V For Vendetta'.

This movie has so many interesting elements intertwining throughout its 132 minutes but this one struck me. V is a well spoken, intelligent character who is on the eve of his revolution and he takes the time to appreciate the importance of a dance as that is worth fighting for. A man after my own heart.

Neighbour plays 4 & 18 October at Ben & Jerry's Openair Cinema Brisbane.

Eli Dooner

Eli Dooner

"Vodka Martini," James Bond. "Shaken or stirred?" Bartender. "Do I look like I give a damn?" – James Bond, 'Casino Royale'.

Through the many portrayals, the enigma of 007 has attained eternal youth. My personal favourite is Daniel Craig’s Bond. Stepping away from some of the corny one-liners and outlandish gadgets, this quote epitomises the new Bond franchise. Still suave and charming, but also a man that is ruthless, cold blooded and just wants a 'damn' vodka martini.

– Eli Dooner plays Saturdays at Ben & Jerry's Openair Cinema Gold Coast.

The Jensens

The Jensens

"It's the one that says Bad Motherfucker." (when asked how to find his wallet) – Jules, 'Pulp Fiction'.

– The Jensens play Opening Night on 15 October at Ben & Jerry's Openair Cinema Gold Coast.

Juliana Chin, Film Programmer

"Chopper, sic balls!" (sick 'em boy) – The writer, 'Stand By Me'.

'Stand By Me' is one of my favourite films. It's a great story about friendship, adventure and self-discovery along the journey that is life. As a kid I related to Gordie (Wil Wheaton), I was in love with Chris (River Phoenix), I laughed and cried along with Vern (Jerry O'Connell) and Teddy (Corey Feldman); and we all have those friends that we grew up with. It's such a nostalgic and universal coming-of-age story that has really stood the test of time, plus it has a cool '50s soundtrack.

Alex Khadra, Cinema Director

“All these moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain." – Roy Batty, 'Blade Runner'

I have got many favourite films for many different reasons, but of course I love 'Point Break' for its sense of adventure and rebelliousness, and Blade Runner for how ground breaking in style and aesthetics it was at the time. I'm a bit of a romantic, so this is one of my favourite quotes of Rutger Hauer, the bad guy, just before he dies.


2 Oct - 15 Nov – Brisbane
15 Oct - 8 Nov – Gold Coast
29 Nov - 20 Dec – Melbourne
14 Jan – 21 Feb Bondi
21 Jan – 28 Feb – Canberra
28 Feb – 10 April – Adelaide
10 March – 24 April – Perth

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