Gold Coast folk/ pop-rock band Neem are bringing their soulful sound to Bond University's Live At Bond later this month.
With work on their debut EP occurring with ARIA-winning producer Govinda Doyle, Neem share five characters who have changed their live forever.

Ogres are like onions, they have many layers. Shrek’s our inspiration; he showed us that looks are only skin deep, it is what is inside that counts.{youtube}GZpcwKEIRCI{/youtube}
Goku changed the lives of many, teaching us wisdom, sacrifice, faithfulness, loyalty and high morals. One line to sum up Goku,: ‘No matter how large the challenge is, always face it head on’.
Lisa Simpson
Lisa is a big haired, caring vego with a love for the sax. Smart and spirited, she is our number one role model. We love little Lisa!
Captain Planet
Captain Planet taught us that recycling is cool and that with our powers combined anything is possible. He also made wearing undies on the outside a-OK, which changed all of our lives for the better.{youtube}GyOMYC6mlsY{/youtube}
Cute little Nemo changed the lives of children and adults all over the globe with his determination to flip on. Plus, he is forever reminding us that dads are legendary.{youtube}eWXOurnVTYg{/youtube}
Folk, pop-rockers Neem play Live At Bond 17 May, from 2pm.