
Wolf Of Wall Street Party: Celebrate The End Of The Financial Year

Wolf Of Wall Street - Party

This Friday Rumpus Room celebrates the end of the financial year with The Wolf Of Wall Street Party.

Event organiser and resident barman, Leon Lechner tells us why he’s hosting the event. “People ask me why are you throwing a 'The End Of Financial Year: Wolf Of Wall Street Party‘? So many answers to this question.

“Once upon a time as a Churchie schoolboy all I could wear was Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger and Gant. I wore ridiculously over priced sweat shop labels of the US of A. And fuck did I think I was the shit. We were being groomed to be the best and you knew it just by looking at us. We dated BGGS, Sommerville House and St Margaret's school girls exclusively.

Wolf Street Party 2"We knew that the top 1 percent of the world owned 46 percent of the world’s wealth and we were living it. By the age of 27 I was living in Latin America ticking off boxes of the stereotypical male Pandora’s box, Banging Brazilians, Argentinian mega babes, substituting cocaine for coffee. My world was skin deep and shiny, working as a model and loving every minute but I was bound for the bowels of materialistic values.

"Until I found myself waking to warm terracotta coloured barbies I didn't recognise, managers who thought sex was currency, and suddenly I was moving from C grade celebrity to living below the poverty line in a third world county. What did I learn? This world of labels is bullshit. What are you really buying? Sweat shops? Cheap/ child labor? Marketing tricks? Giving into peer pressure or being in with a click? The part of the movie where Jordan Belford fell apart?

"Let's celebrate his demise. We are better, stronger, more conscious than the people we were taught to be. Let's get together and celebrate the demise of the wolves and the rise of the next generation. All commissions will be donated to Brisbane's homeless youth.

"Just while we are at it...

Consumer tips for a sustainable future

Spend your money on locally made clothes by people that you can communicate with face to face.
Buy second hand gear. Gympie and Toowoomba second hand shops have got awesome vintage gear
Look into recycled fabrics.
And never buy a tee for over 20 bucks.

The End Of Financial Year: Wolf Of Wall Street Party takes place at Rumpus Room this Friday June 27.

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