
Underground Food Project Is Coming To Brisbane

Phil Marchant and Josh Raine

British chefs Phil Marchant and Josh Raine have teamed up to create an unorthodox, dining experience.

Underground Food Project is the creation of these two globetrotting chefs and is a series of pop-up events to be held in Brisbane from 29 March. The pop-up events will be held in established businesses that don't typically serve food, with the menus themed to match the characteristics of the venue.

The location, style and theme of the pop-up event is just as much a part of the experience as the food. “We aim to offer a whole experience that is more than just food,” Josh says.

“The main focus will always be the quality of the food, although the location, style and theme of each event will be different and the dishes will adapt to the changing environment.”

“We want to create a fun, sociable environment that people will enjoy, feel comfortable and relaxed in,” adds Phil. “We want to challenge people’s perceptions of food, and give them the opportunity to explore different types of dining they may never have exposed themselves to in the past.”

The first Underground Project event will be held for Small Batch Autumn at Wandering Cooks, South Brisbane, 29 March from 6pm.

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