
Top 5 Thuglife Kids With Antiheros

This Friday Antiheros will bring their smorgasbord of mash-ups and re-edits to celebrate The Elephant Hotel Christmas party.

The crux of Antiheros talents stem from their live mash-up ability, utilising drums, midi controllers, decks and an MPC to work an intricate path of bass-driven, aural pleasure.

Ahead of the show, the Antiheros crew have supplied their Top 5 Thuglife Kids videos... #TLK

5. Thuglife Kid Nerf Review

Top review by a top thug. Would definitely buy this product.


4. Thuglife Kid Selfie

Well that’s a very valid question, isn't it?


3. 11 Year Old Thuglife Kid

She's 11. Case closed.


2. Thuglife Cat

We also tried telling this cat it couldn't be in this list.

1. The Biggest Thuglife Kid

Zach Galifianakis is just a big kid, and the thuglife is evident.


Antiheros unleash their Christmas Party Bash at The Elephant Hotel on Friday 12 December.

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