Celebrating 130 years looming over Fortitude Valley, the entire month of October will be dedicated to Halloween at The Church Nightclub.
With a haunted house, scavenger hunts, costumed staff, special drinks and a fully decorated venue, The Church Nightclub has the appearance and the history to make the month of October as spooky as possible. Serving as a Presbyterian Church for many years after being built in 1885, the venue is rumored to be haunted, even when it isn't Halloween. These are the top five creepy stories that some of the staff have experience while working there.
Owner: Wayne Wakefield
I once found myself with an intense spine tingling, pins and needles feeling one night whilst locking up. It’s a long way to the door when you feel like someone is standing over your shoulder!
Previous DJ: Jason Lansdell
Back when I worked at The Church a popular security Guard Willie quit on the spot one night after a fire hose turned itself on three times in a row. He was the only one in the building that night.
Previous employee: Angie Goossens
I worked at The Church as a DJ for a number of years (back when it was called 'Heaven') and the owners at the time were confused as to how a large framed religious picture was often found on the ground. I told them it could be the vibrations from the bass so they screwed the frame into the wall and the following day it was laying on the ground again. They were so freaked out it was taken down permanently.
Previous Manager: Kat Morrison
Over the years I’ve heard faint noises, creeks and had a few eerie moments in this building. Sometimes there are flickers on the security cameras which cannot be explained and after I lock up the building at night I’ve seen the lights bob on and off through the stained glass windows which is a bit creepy. One of our staff also refuses to work inside the building alone – day or night as he is from a religious background and very superstitious.
Maintenance man: Daniel Guerrero
I work in the venue during the day and night managing the maintenance of the building and often have to access points from underneath. There is a large cavity under the dance floor which is scattered with old bottles, old barrels, parts of frames and other items, not to mention the creepy crawlies! It’s a spooky part of my job.The Haunted House experience will kick-off on Saturday 4th October and continue until 1st November in a month-long celebration of the day of the dead.