Top 5 Drugs To Abuse As Selected By Dwarves


One of Sub Pop’s very first signings, Dwarves are rock legends.

Birthed in the garage rock revival of the 1980s over 30 years ago, they continue to confound and confront audiences all over the world with searing live shows and masterful new records.

Ahead of their Australian tour in October, we asked the band to forward their Top 5 anything — be wary what you ask for kids.

While scenestr does not condone illegal drug use at any time, there’s no denying drug culture and rock & roll are intrinsically intertwined. So over to you Blag Dahlia, frontman for Dwarves...


This one is my favorite. You smoke some and basically become simple and eat a lot. What could be better? Sure, it saps your initiative, but there’s nothing worth doing anyway. Watch out eating it, though, it’s like concentrated paranoia.


This one is good because girls like it, mostly because it costs a lot. It gets you all hopped up like something good is about to happen, even though it never does. And who needs an erection, just use your fingers!


Makes you feel like all is right with the universe. Of course, it destroys your central nervous system and makes you say nice things to people you hate. But that’s exactly what the world needs right now, more kindness and more impaired humans.


Confusing things are fun, and LSD is certainly confusing. All music sounds like shit, too, which makes sense if you’re listening to Social Distortion or Lorde.


This will even confuse your cat, which is good if your cat is behaving too realistically. Ideal for breaking handcuffs or cannibalising prostitutes. Just ask Big Lurch!

Dwarves Tour Dates

Thu 16 Oct - Barwon Club (Geelong)
Fri 17 Oct - The Evelyn (Melbourne)

Sat 18 Oct - Bald Faced Stag (Sydney)
Sun 19 Oct - Crowbar (Brisbane)

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