Jordan Brunt aka Acaddamy grew up in the quaint, surfside town of Gerringong, far from the hustle and bustle of metropolitan clubland.
The young producer has selected his favourite surf breaks; here, he shares them with you.
5. Snapper Rocks/ Superbank, Queensland. Nothing like surfing extremely long, right-hand point breaks until your legs hurt. It would be higher in my list if it wasn’t for the crowds.
4. Cowries, NSW. Not for the faint-hearted. A really solid right-hand reef break thAT pumps from anything up to double overhead. I’ve had some awesome late-afternoon sessions out here, but it can become crowded quickly, full of lids (Body Boarders) and getting in is a little tricky.
3. Bells Beach, Victoria. Another one of those amazing right-hand point breaks, although the week I was there we went and surfed an awesome little-beach break but I can’t remember the name. The point reminds me a little bit like my home surf spot — just get’s a lot more crowded.
2. Green Island, NSW. Although it doesn’t look like much in the photo this place pumps! If the points are working you can usually find a fun, little spot somewhere along the beach.
1. Werri Beach/ Gerringong, NSW. Point breaks, beach breaks and everything in between. During the working/ school hours you can usually score yourself some un-crowded waves. It may not be the best spot on the list, but it’s home and that’s why it’s number one.
Acaddamy headlines the launch of MaMaison at xy2 on Friday 17th October.

Acaddamy Tour Dates
Sat 18 Oct - Rubix Funhouse (Melbourne)Sun 19 Oct - Ivy supporting Ninetoes (Sydney)
Sat 25 Oct - Cargo Bar (Sydney)
Sat 25 Oct - Pacha @ Ivy (Sydney)