A coffee shop operator in Redcliffe has handled a customer's feedback by calling him a wanker.
Workshop Co. Espresso in Redcliffe, near Brisbane, is the latest fail in the the trappy game of customer relations on social media. The exchange started out like thousands of others every day: 'we liked this bit — we didn't like that bit'.
Mick Balaam wrote, "We thought we'd try Workshop for Breakfast this morning! While the food was tasty," [that's the nice bit], "we waited 15 minutes for the barista to finish chatting to a friend only to be served cold coffee. To add insult to injury, it took another 20 minutes to be served a sandwich and a croissant. Not good enough!" [the bad bit].
At this point, Workshop Co. Espresso had a number plays open to them from the 'Social Media Customer Relations Playlist' — and after, we assume, a nanosecond's consideration, the café opted for the pointed and decidely rude: "Don't be a wanker. Sunday in Redcliffe is the busiest day for service. Thanks."
Chuffed with their deft handling of the situation, they took a screenshot of the dialogue and posted it to their Facebook Page for a fawning audience to pile on the customer, which they duly did, taking special care to re-affirm that Mr Balaam was indeed a wanker, and offering free advice including telling him to go to The Coffee Club, McDonalds or pretty well anywhere else away from the magic kitchen where sandwiches take half an hour to prepare (on a busy day).
If there were any doubt about the haste with the first reposnse, there's none about Espresso's follow-up on the same thread seven hours later, when they posted an image of a flat white coffee with an image of a penis tastefully created in the crema, which at time of writing had been 'Liked' by 11 of Espresso's friends and acquaintances. Nice.
UPDATE: 2pm. The Facebook Page has been taken offline.
UPDATE: 10pm. The Facebook Page is now back online, entirely sanitised. The once-proud reposting and pile-on has been expunged.

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