As part of 4ZZZ's Radiothon activities, the community radio statio is hosting an afternoon of barefoot bowls on August 31.
For only $5 per person, you can gather a team of friends or family at Club Greenslopes for a day of fun and fundraising. People can choose to donate a little extra team donation of $50 to challenge their favourite 4ZZZ announcers on the green. All extra team donations go towards the studio upgrade project.
And for those who are not into barefoot bowls, there'll also be retro gaming classics Galaga and 1942, as well as an original Gottlieb pinball machine with the '73 classic High Hand to indulge.
There are a heap of prizes to be won throughout the day, along with a fundraiser BBQ with special prices for 4ZZZ members. The day runs 1-6pm.
Registration is available on the day or beforehand, with early game registration earning you three free arcade games.