With locations all over the world — from New York to Park, Berlin to Sao Paulo — TRYP By Wyndam hotels continue their global brand push, ‘Own The City’, with the unveiling of TRYP Fortitude Valley in Brisbane.
Nestled in the heart of Fortitude Valley (on Constance St; a one-to-two minute walk from the Entertainment Precinct), TRYP Fortitude Valley is the first TRYP hotel to open in Australia, and will offer guests unique experiences and a cutting edge design.
Part of the design of the Brisbane location was commissioning street artists to create murals. Those involved include Melbourne’s Rone, Sydney-based artist Beastman and Brisbane native Fintan Magee. “It's quite bizarre, this whole... my experience being a street artist from early as 2001, everything's changed,” Rone says, when asked about his involvement with the project.
“When I started it was totally just a social hobby you do, like skateboarding, it was just something you'd do for fun, you didn't think of it as a career. Some guys see it as that now when they start, but that option wasn't ever there. So for this [opportunity] to come around, it's just been another one of those things of how far it's come.”

Prior to the arrival of TRYP Fortitude Valley, the site (the old Barsoma/ Chilliwow building) was a renowned haven for street artists. Part of the hotel design was to keep some the original street art to celebrate the underground culture. “It's strange, I've always loved [street art] so I've never seen it as a ‘bad reputation’ thing, so my point of view is quite skewed, but I guess if it opens up the idea to a lot of other people, it's giving the whole kind of genre a better perception to the rest of the general public, I reckon that that's a great thing.
“I've basically painted a feature wall end at the end of this hallway, and one of the balcony levels in the middle – and that was painted before the building was demolished and reconstructed. And then the feature wall at the front, three or four stories high.

“[I’m] currently working on a small wall at the foyer entrance, and one just at the first level as well. It's starting to add up like 'Oh yeah, I did that one too’.”
TRYP Fortitude Valley is located at 14-20 Constance Street, Fortitude Valley, Brisbane and is now open.