Sneaking drinks past security goes next level.
Since the dawn of time — well since the dawn of the festivals and alcohol-price exortion — punters have gone to great lengths to smuggle booze into festivals with varying results. In a move to tip sly grogging in favour of the (non-paying) customer, Aussie entrepreneur Chris Wayne is offering a range of camouflaged drinking buddies designed to slide right past check-in.
On reading an article about a couple caught at an Australian music festival after they hollowed out a loaf of bread to disguise a bottle of spirits, Wayne decided to introduce his range of novelty drinking flasks to Oz.
The Sneaky Brush is the most popular item as it's a real women's hairbrush that has a secret flask built inside.
SneakyDrinks is an 18+ product, and Wayne says the company does not encourage irresponsible drinking. Sneaking drinks does not equate to drinking to excess.
Visit SneakyDrinks.