West End hotspot Sling Bar has been selected as a flag ship venue for Wild Turkey Spiced Bourbon.
Sling Lounge proprietor Dustin Davis gives us the inside word. "The innovate people at Wild Turkey have produced something spectacular with their Wild Turkey Spiced Bourbon — it’s spicy and delicious, dark and mysterious.
“You'll be able to come in and try some of our very winter driven style cocktails with this very perfectly suited spiced spirit. Things like the Island Of Kentucky Razor Blazer, The Turkey Slap and the Bearded Turkey.
“We will be running three competitions in conjunction with Wild Turkey Spiced giving away a bottle and pack for each of them. We’ll also be incorporating a BBQ bourbon ribs dish as a food option as well; just to express its versatility. If anyone is interested in more info please give us a holla!”
Sling Bar is located at 153 Boundary Street West End.