Raising money to cure a nasty, genetic disorder not enough for you? How about a kilometre-ish run in your underwear on V-Day weekend, topped off with a wicked party?
Let's face it, Cupid's Undie Run had you at 'underwear'. The fun run started with the goal of raising money to #ConquerNF (neurofibromatosis) and, having raised $2.8M last year across 30 cities worldwide, it just keeps growing.

The Gold Coast, Sydney and Melbourne are gearing up – or, down? – to make a scene for Cupid and his jock-jog. Enthusiasts of running and fancy dress alike will strip to the streets for their bedroom-best workout. The annual event aims to raise $180,000 this year in support of research into NF, a genetic disorder affecting 1 in 3,000 Australians that causes tumours to grow on nerves throughout the body. The condition can lead to a range of complications and there is currently no cure.

Founded by Brendan Hanrahan, Chad Leathers and Bobby Gill in 2010, Cupid's Undie Run was a mission to raise awareness and donations for the Children’s Tumor Foundation, the peak national body for NF awareness, research and support. The men launched the fun, light-hearted event in the US, after Chad's young brother, Drew, was diagnosed with NF and became a paraplegic. Drew passed away in 2015 due to complications with his condition.

Funds raised at the event will support research into NF in the hopes of discovering effective treatment options and, ultimately, finding a cure for the condition, which can lead to debilitating complications including blindness, deafness, bone abnormalities, learning difficulties, and cancer.

This will be the fourth Cupid's Undie Run in Australia with plans for the loving cherub to return for many moons. Get a little cheeky this V-Day and take a brief jog with your lover or loving friends to raise money for the Children’s Tumour Foundation. Make a date for a cure by recruiting some friends, joining a pre-existing team or go solo. So many choices, so little clothing!
Cupid's Undie Run takes place at the Gold Coast, Melbourne and Sydney on 14 February.