Your presence is requested at the debut of Brisbane Fringe Festival’s ‘Simply Splendid Soirée’ — a unique combination of vintage fashion, lawn games, music, and performance.
A collaborative-creation between three groups: renowned circus performer Tiger Lil; Duke Vintage founder Sarah Duke; and long-term culture creators, Joe and Mike from Jazz Party, the ‘Simply Splendid Soirée’ will delight a new generation of garden-party enthusiasts.
What's the elevator pitch for your show... The ‘Simply Splendid Soirée’ will transport you to a world of elegance reminiscent of a by-gone era. It’s a chance to kick off the work shoes, dress up and dance, play, drink, lounge, and eat while listening to incredible Brisbane musicians and watching talented circus performances all in graceful vintage style.
After our show, you'll walk away thinking... Why aren't all my Sundays this splendid!

Brisbane's artistic community is... One of the most underrated in the world!
You need to support local, fringe artists because... Fringe festivals are where a lot emerging and self-managed artists often get their first start. It's where you can see cutting edge performers that make you overflow with inspiration and connect with community.
Any crazy/ weird stories behind-the-scenes stories during rehearsals? One of the performers had an existential crisis and thought they should immediately relocate to the city of Edinburgh. Needless to say the crisis was averted and the show must go in!
I want to inspire people with my show to host more events that are quirky, fun, community orientated and can involve kids!
The last time I saw the inside of a gym was... Whose Jim?
If someone was to play you in a film, who would it be and what would the movie title be? Juliette Lewis would play Tiger Lil in ‘Behind The Tiger’.
What's the one chore you dislike the most? Milking the goats.
The most scary scenario I've found myself in, was... Having my sneakers stolen at knife point by children in Trinidad.
What celebrity/ famous person would you love to be a spokesperson of the show... John Waters because his milkshakes bring all the freaks to the yard... and I like the cut of his jib.
Social media is... Narcissistic validation and a great place to find myself.