When Peter Wright decided to end his career as a pharmacist to pursue the project that is now Jam Gallery and sister venue Spring Street Social, he had a few objectives in mind.
He wanted to create a space where people of any age or interest could walk down the narrow staircase into this basement establishment and expect to be regaled with high-quality music, top-notch nosh and a social setting for nights out with mates. No matter the day. Walking into Jam Gallery, it’s clear his objective has been achieved. And then some.

Jam Gallery is the main concert space, made up of two bars, and two stages spread across the open area, it’s overwhelmingly larger than one assumes - especially seeing that the entrance is a tiny door beside the Fitness First on Spring Street. The smaller stage sits at the rear and is ideal for openers and one-man performances. The larger stage is at the front. It’s a low stage perfect for stomping the boards and is capable of fitting a ten-piece band comfortably (on Opening Night, Oz rock legends Spiderbait graced the stage).

Depending on the genre and band at play, the floor may open up to moshing punters, or lay claim to an array of antique-style chairs and low tables with high bar stools and tables taken pride of place further back, for optimal viewing and drinking ease.
Sister site Spring Street Social is the more casual music and dining space. Consisting of bar, kitchen, and a mix-bag dining space it reads like an apothecary. Antique contraptions are displayed off walls, large heavy chairs surrounding a chessboard table sit in one corner, and a more refined and group-friendly long table sits in the centre.

The dimly lit bar serves up wicked cocktails like Snake’s Oil and a smoky Chase The Dragon, which comes in a jar sealed with a stopper while food ranges from hearty meals of lamb and steak, to finger food like sliders and chilli chips. In one corner, there’s yet another performance space. This one’s yet smaller again with music that leans more to the tune of “atmospheric”. And the best bit? The music goes on until the wee hours of the morning (3am, specifically).

Welcome to your new music venue home in the Eastern suburbs.

For more info on Jam Gallery (Underground 195 Oxford St, Bondi Junction), head to jamgallery.com.au. For more info on Spring Street Social (Underground 110 Spring Street, Bondi), visit facebook.com/SpringStreetSocial.