
It Might Be Time To Leave Australia

Australia's Twitter and Facebook feeds have pretty much unanimously given up on Australia today.

The Australian High Court struck down the ACT's historic Marriage Equality (Same Sex) Act today, ruling that marriage is a matter for the Federal Parliament and that the ACT's legislation is incompatible with the Federal Marriage Act's definition of marriage.

"The Marriage Act does not now provide for the formation or recognition of marriage between same sex couples," went the ruling. "The Marriage Act provides that a marriage can be solemnised in Australia only between a man and a woman and that a union solemnised in a foreign country between a same sex couple must not be recognised as a marriage in Australia. That Act is a comprehensive and exhaustive statement of the law of marriage."

The decision was unanimous, and though it would have been fun to read famed dissenter Michael Kirby's counter-argument if he still sat on the High Court bench, you kind of get the feeling that the High Court's hands were tied here — no matter what sort of legislative gymnastics the ACT managed to pull off, it won't matter until the Federal Marriage Act changes.

27 couples in same-sex relationships who wed in Canberra over the weekend (during the five day window between the initial hearing and the High Court's verdict) are now expected to have their marriages annulled.

Australia's social media networks are essentially in meltdown right now, as Australia has rushed headlong into what Dan Savage calls our "George Bush moment".

Marriage equality aside, Tony Abbott has pissed off pretty much everybody this week by refusing to sign a UN treaty that would outlaw violence against children ("I don't think we ought to say that there's no place ever for a smack," he cautioned); approving a new coal export terminal and the dredging and dumping of sludge near the Great Barrier Reef; breaking his NBN election promise;and allowing Holden to leave Australia. (Oh, and then there's that Save Our ABC campaign — you just know that one's not going to end well.)

So — where are YOU going to move to?

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