Toni Powell is a sometime filmmaker, recovering worrywart, storyteller and terribly cheeky gratitude maven. She is on a mission to help people find their happiness and make it a simple, fun and engaging process.
In July, she will be running a one-day workshop at Brisbane Powerhouse which has been designed to give simple, life-changing and practical tools to help live with more enjoyment, contentment and ease in everyday life. Using beautiful images, music, short film, a little non-invasive interaction, stories, the latest scientific research, everyday language, and even a few surprises, Powell communicates a whole lot of cool stuff.
What will be covered and how are you integrating science and stories?
I turn some of the science into stories and also choose research that is really interesting and makes its own good story. I prefer not to reveal what I cover — I like surprising people.
Who should come along? Who would benefit?
We get kids from the age ten to people in their 80s. Doctors, psychologists young mums, older women, professionals, small business owners and vagabonds!! Anyone who wants to know how to make the life they have now more satisfying. People like me who struggle with depression, fear and anxiety will get loads out of it too. The language is plain and simple so easily understood by anyone. People who need some hope.
Best advice you're ever received and from who?
To marry my 19 year old ex boyfriend. From my 19 year old girlfriend.
Three tips to give to anyone to help them feel happier instantly?
Smile - your brain will release happy hormones even if it is fake.
Do a random act of kindness anonymously.
Write a letter of thanks and detail the ways the recipient to be helped you.
Can you share a couple of your own stories about your journey from worrywart to happiness teacher?
I was very depressed for about a year after losing a great many things on one day. One year in, I had an epiphany and understood that 'you find what you look for'. I decided to be more in control of what I was looking for and it worked.
If someone played you in a movie - who would it be and what would the film be called?
‘Falling into Joy’ and I adore Rachel Griffith. Plus she is feisty enough to get me right.
Happiness For Worrywarts will be on at Brisbane Powerhouse, Saturday July 19.