Meet the peeps that are "proud to print". Or as Straight Jacket Press like to say, “Screw digital!”
Robert and Michelle Chalender, the owners of Fortitude Valley screen printing business, Strait Jacket Press, are passionate about printing and doing it the right way.
Originally kicking off their business in Newcastle, the pair have relocated to Brisbane, setting up shop in the heart of Fortitude Valley, providing locals with their unique design and artistic expertise, as well as personalised customer service. “We really take the time with a client to get something out there,” Robert says. “We have a motto: ‘we’ll print anything, just tell us and we’ll pull the squeegee’.
Talented, professional, creative and super cool – Robert and Michelle are little hidden gems in our local art scene. Yes, they provide your typical printing services but it's all the other unexpected extras that make this a duo to remember. Keen to preserve the dying art of manual screen printing, SJP offer weekend classes. “I think there’s something about an automated and digital world that is going to kill the music industry, for one, and it’s going to kill the art. With manual screen printing, you can actually go up and feel the detail, the textures on these pictures and you’re just not going to get that with digital screening.”
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But there's more. Being artistic himself means Robert has a deep appreciation for talented artists and as such, stocks quirky, unique, beautiful and exceptional quality prints. Did we mention limited edition as well. So you're unlikely to wander into someone's home and see your own favourite artwork staring back at you. And the best part is he supports local artists like Sarah Beetston, an internationally-acclaimed artist in her own right.
True believers in quality, avid supporters of local artists and both with an understanding of the lack of affordable options means that Robert and Michelle should be on your -make-them-my-new-best-friends-list.
Drop in at Strait Jacket Press @ 124 Brunswick Street, Fortitude Valley; open Mon-Fri 9am-4pm. Find your new wall piece, make new friends and get back to appreciating things like quality and expert curation.
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