If you're a bit of a foodie, then you would have noticed that doughnuts are quickly becoming a big thing in Brisbane... in our mouths that is.
It's no longer your average, traditional cinnamon doughnut that you crave. It's a big, scrumptiously fat, juicy doughnut with every topping you could ever imagine.
It's as if Cold Rock went on a summer vacation and brought back all their favourite condiments with 'just add doughnuts'.
Enter The Doughnut Bar, where dreams really do come true. All of their baked goods are homemade from scratch and despite the old-school tag, these guys have developed some of the most deliciously outrageous creations that your mouth will ever encounter.
If you like churros or hot chips, why not try one of the newest additions on the menu, the hand-cut brioche fries.
It's just like a doughnut, only easier to eat and probably tastier too (because they look amazeballs).
Or if you're feeling really adventurous, try this month's new caramel doughnut cone with soft serve ice cream and a salted, caramel syringe. A follower online described this new item as 'a lick suck and swallow away from a side plate of diabetes & cardiac arrest'.

Although it might not be the healthiest of snacks, it is the ultimate indulgence for a sinful Sunday afternoon... or any afternoon for that matter.
The Doughnut Bar has two locations in Brisbane, one in the Queen Street Mall in the CBD and the second at Eat Street Markets in Hamilton.
Leave your cholesterol concerns at home, because as well as exceptional customer service, you're about to have your mind blown.