San Francisco-based yoga instructor, Janet Stone, is heading to the Sunshine Coast for Wanderlust, a four-day experience for the mind, body and soul.
Music, art, yoga, meditation, motivational speakers and food come together for Wanderlust, a transformational retreat that focuses on mindful living. A step outside the ordinary, Wanderlust is about finding happiness and peace through new adventures.
Janet Stone's yoga journey began at the age of 17 and she is bringing that wealth of experience to share at Wanderlust.
What motivated you to begin studying yoga as a teenager?
As a teenager, we all tend to go through so much exploration and defining and redefining, having faith in something and loosing it. I was in a band at the time and the lead singer was a student of Prem Rewat, who became my teacher. My parents where hippies and allowed me to choose whatever faith I wanted to explore and this had me moving toward my grandmother's faith in the church where I dragged my parents, so I could get baptised at age 11. Funny reversal and what great desire to believe in something.
Alas, a few years later, I was studying religion and learning about the violence, separation, hate, and wars created by man under the name of God. This had me walking away and, once again, searching. Once I heard my teacher speak, that was it, I was in. He was selling nothing but presence and possibly even being in AWE of each breath.
Your trip to India in 1996 was the turning point where you dedicated yourself to yoga, can you tell us about that?
My trip to India was a trip into my family history, that ended up with a great grandchild of a doctor and missionary couple being converted to the teachings of yoga. What irony and beauty in this. My grandfather and several generations before him where born and raised in India and my decision to take a break from the film industry and head out, around the world would effect all of my choices after. This practice ended up creeping into every corner of my life.
Wanderlust promotes an experience of mindful living; is that an important aspect of your own life and teachings?
If one is interested or living in the practice of yoga, yes, mindfulness is one of its main teachings.
What is your approach to teaching yoga?
My approach to teaching yoga is to remain a student. To stay curious about how the teaching are relevant and alive in each moment. I have had some brilliant Bhakti teachers that have offered me this gift and so, I find this is now infused in all of my teachings.
Wanderlust also features a line-up of great musical acts; is music a big part of your life?
I was a teacher at the very first Wanderlust in Tahoe all those years ago because I had been connecting deeply with intentional music, including DJs and yoga for nearly a decade. The force and power of music in my life is ritualistic and yes, I weave this throughout what I offer.

If you could teach yoga to any three people throughout history, who would they be?
Ah, there are so many I would love to be a student of, but three I would like to teach? Not sure I can answer that with specifics but simply to say, I would like to offer whatever I am able to anyone who is suffering in any way, who is stuck in delusion or confusion or uncertain of their interconnectedness to all beings and their divine nature and therefore creates suffering for other beings.
You've taught workshops all around the world, is there anywhere you would like to teach that you haven't yet?
The moon!
What do you think are the most important steps towards peaceful living?
Recognition of the above-mentioned interconnectedness of all being and finding a way to embrace all of the various aspects of yourself and therefore possibly developing more compassion towards yourself and others. Kindness as a way of living.
Wanderlust takes place at the Novotel Twin Waters Resort 15-18 October.