We’re a versatile bunch here at Scenestr HQ. For example, one of our writers has been moonlighting as a competitive cheerleader recently. This is her story.
Cheerleaders from Brisbane All Star Cheerleading (BASC) brought their fierce cheer and pom routines to the Australian All Star Cheerleading and Dance Federation National Competition in Sydney, as well as the international competition Australasian Majors in Brisbane, during October and November. Despite a few obstacles (and some initial nerves and butterflies), BASC managed to come away from the floor with smiles and even some banners and medals.
Nationals was held over a massive three days at Sydney Olympic Park. More than 4,000 competitors from 300 teams attended the event, every one hoping for their own little bit of glory to take home. So after being slightly overwhelmed at the fact that past champions had been where I was standing in the Olympic Arena, I regained my composure, picked my jaw off the ground and somehow managed to pull out a killer routine.

The whole team worked together to deliver a routine complete with jumps, tumbling, dance and stunts. Even though we did not place, the routine was the best it could have been and we were thrilled to show our skills.
Other BASC teams did place in their divisions and a few even stole the show, taking out first place for their event. Michael and Helena, our coaches, placed second in level 5 partner stunt division (this involves lots of twisting and releasing), while Abbie’s level 3 partner stunt won and Senior Pom placed fourth.
Nationals was so nerve-wracking and I had no clue of what it was going to be like, being new to cheerleading, but I was pleasantly surprised. It was such a great competition with many late nights and early starts but it was well worth the hard work.
Australasian Majors was held at the Sleeman Sports Centre at Chandler and was only a one day event; less time consuming but exhausting nevertheless. Twenty teams from New Zealand came across the Tasman to compete and the Aussies and the Kiwis battled it out for championship places!
Majors was my send off competition so this time it was a little different. I had a fair idea of what to expect this time, but as I was still a newbie, the nerves were still kicking in. Last minute changes to the routine rattled everyone a little bit, but under the circumstances I believe that we all performed to the best of our abilities and I’m very happy with that. Our stunts may have bobbled, but we hit all of our jumps and tumbling lines and we may just have outdanced the competition.
The adult team came third in the division, still nothing to sneeze at, while other BASC teams came first, second and third in their divisions. The special needs cheer team took out first, as did the parent pom, mini cheer and the teen stunt team. Mini pom, junior pom, senior pom, youth cheer and teen cheer teams came second in their divisions while the youth pom and our adult team settled in third place. Overall, BASC had a great day and came away with a few medals as well.

As I only joined BASC three months ago, these were my first cheerleading competitions and even though I had competed before at the same intense level in other sports, I had no idea what to expect. In my mind, I was imagining the classic bitchy stuck up cheerleaders with horrible lip liner from cheerleading movies like Bring It On.
Fortunately there was no ‘evil team’ telling me to ‘bring it’ while watching me compete from the sidelines, waiting for me fall on my face and destroy any chances of my team placing at the end of the night. Everyone was really lovely, wishing me good luck back stage even though we were in the same division; knowing that my team could knock their team out. It was such a warm and inviting environment.

I had the best time in Sydney and at Australasian Majors in Brisbane. BASC is such a great club always giving support and encouragement when you need it. And cheerleading is a sport.
We lift, jump and tumble, yet somehow I always find the right way up at the end. It’s tough, but worth it.
It’s cheer.