Australia’s biggest colour festival, 'SpringFlare' will this year celebrate Brisbane’s diverse multiculturalism as a key element to the G20 Cultural Celebrations opening weekend.
Brisbane Riverstage will come alive on the 26th October with feature performances by Dubmarine, Bobby Alu, Willow Beats, Michelle Xen and The Neon Wild, The Belligerents, and DJ Sarah Howells – all completely free to the public. Bringing people of all ages, races, and gender together, 'SpringFlare' is inspired by Holi – the festival of colours traditionally celebrated in South East Asia to signify unity between cultural groups and social classes.

“The festival is all about breaking down the barriers which create separation in our society ... Crossing borders to contemporary Brisbane, the festival takes on a broader meaning.
“When you are covered in colour from head to toe you cannot identify one person from another. Anyone and everyone is fair game, from friend or stranger, rich or poor, man or woman, child or elder ... SpringFlare is a lesson in recognising that while we may identify to a particular culture, we are spiritually one."

'SpringFlare' – held at the Brisbane Riverstage on the 26th October – is part of the G20 'Cultural Celebrations', which run from 24th October to 16th November.