Brisbane indie-folk musician O' Little Sister shares her five tips to overcome a rough day.
1. A Kazoo
I used to carry one of these around every where I went and pull it out at opportune times. The funny thing is it makes even the most sombre song sound whimsical. Also the first time anyone plays one, they blow, which obviously makes no sound cosyougotta hum duh – party tricks 101.
2. Happy Socks
Slapping on a pair of ridiculous and comfortable socks is a booster – you just try wearing fluffy, pink clouds of heaven for socks and tell me you don’t feel fancy. You will feel fancy.
3. Camera Film
It requires a smidge of patience, but the feeling after snapping a shot on film ensues instant high and happiness. It’s the gift that keeps giving – because the feeling you get just before you see the developed shots is also unadulterated happiness.
4.Get Caught Singing
Going for a walk and listening to your favourite songs. I’ve never not had a good time doing this. I also recommend singing along when there’s no-one else around, and discovering there is actually someone walking behind you, and yes, they heard every beautiful blow out and character you played singing ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ – you’ll laugh, they’ll laugh, good times all round.{youtube}WDYxYB0bDtg{/youtube}
5. Telescope
Looking through a telescope. It’s a type of kaleidoscope with a clear orb on the end. I love it because it’s real life with different perspectives. I also used to carry one of these around in my bag everywhere I went, and pull it out when I was bored – highly recommend (toy stores usually have something of the sort).
O' Little Sister plays The City Sounds 20 May (intersection of Adelaide & Queen St, Brisbane CBD) & 29 May (Post Office Square).