Virtual reality, laser shows, video games, electronic art, and a beatboxer clashing with an orchestra – these are just some of the experiences on offer at the inaugural In Real Life Digital Festival (IRL) at Brisbane Powerhouse in May.
According to Brisbane Powerhouse Artistic Director Kris Stewart the IRL Digital Festival is for anyone interested in video games, pop culture and electronic art. “IRL Digital Festival celebrates digital culture; we’ve taken everything offline - video games, laser shows and electronic art – so you can play with it IRL (in real life).”

When asked what his favourite 5 arcade games were, Kris had a little trouble, but he summoned all of his power supply, exhausted his first-aid kit and pressed X (repeatedly).

“Okay, so this is an impossible question – kind of like 'what are the five best pizza toppings?' There are no bad answers. That being said – I’m eliminating 'Out Run' and any other games you need to sit down for. Show some stamina and stand up, for God's sake.
“I’m ruling out 'House Of The Dead' and any light gun games, because you need to be using your thumbs for it to be a true arcade game. We are not monkeys. I’m also ruling out; any game that involves dancing – I’ve seen you dance, okay? –, any game that gives you a prize at the end, and any game that involves two dudes fighting (except maybe 'Marvel Vs. Capcom', which should be #1 on ANY list, up to and including 'why should people be voting for Hilary Clinton?' And 'what are the top five pizza toppings?')”

Kris Stewart
Here it goes:
A four-player top-down arcade game that’s like 'Game Of Thrones' for imbeciles. Best enjoyed when testing friendships while stealing your mate’s power-up. “Warrior needs food. Badly.”
You can be Godzilla and you can squash an entire city. This needs no further explanation. Ideal for everyone from frustrated 12-year-old boys to frustrated 42-year-old office workers.{youtube}Au7UYaqpJw8{/youtube}
It’s 'Pong', taken slightly to the next level. A simple, zen-like game where you hit a ball against a brick wall using a paddle – and never has having your ball been split in three been so exciting.
Fly your ostrich to victory as you joust in the sky, against enemies mounted on buzzards. Created back when drug use was perhaps more encouraged in the work place than it is today. I mean for game programmers, not for you Trevor in accounting.
Dig Dug
Where mining and gaming intersect, as your avatar tunnels their way to prizes and past enemies. It’s a game even Gina Reinhardt could enjoy.
'Double Dragon' also gets an honourable mention, for being awesome and the most '80s experience IN THE WORLD. Oh, and the best five pizza toppings are pepperoni, eggplant, prosciutto, fresh tomato and any member of the capsicum family – that’s not actually a tough question after all.
The IRL Digital Festival will take place at Brisbane Powerhouse, 7-17 May.