Three-and-a-half years of parties, dancing, booze, beats, babes, photos, videos and fun. Cheated Hearts is coming to an (unfortunate) end in Brisbane (to focus on the Melbourne launch) and they're going to party like it's 2012.
We are so incredibly grateful to have been able to share so many memories with you all and thank you for being a part of something that will not be forgotten. Your continued support has meant we have been able to put these parties on.
Cheated Hearts has always been a place that has been promoted as a safe environment for queer (friendly) people and a place where you can make friends and/ or meet the love of your life. And for one more night, we're going to throw the mother of all parties.
Cheated Hearts has always been a place that has been promoted as a safe environment for queer (friendly) people and a place where you can make friends and/ or meet the love of your life. And for one more night, we're going to throw the mother of all parties.
The Cheated Hearts Farewell Party with bring the dancing-fun shenanigans to The Brightside on 29 April.
With the future set in Melbourne, Cheated Hearts' Roxy Burt looks back at her favourite memories so far for the queer-friendly event.
The launch
I had booked in to launch Cheated Hearts at a venue that’s now closed down. Two days before the event, I saw that there was another event being advertised by the venue, so I called them, texted and emailed and didn’t hear back from them.I had spent about four weeks advertising the launch at this venue so I was in a bit of a pickle. Thankfully I had good ties with a lot of managers at venues in the Valley, so I was able to organise the relocation within 24 hours. I spread the word as quickly as I could and luckily (and thankfully), everyone showed up at the right venue and it was a pretty big turn out too.
Reaching capacity nearly every month at AllOneWord
After the launch we had to find a permanent home which ended up being AllOneWord. That was such a great venue for us because it was the right size (we thought) and it was also half outside.
After word got around about Cheated Hearts, the line to get in went down the street and as we had reached capacity, they had to wait for other people to leave before they could get in. I was so incredibly proud and it made for a good night.
People just losing it
I was lucky enough for one venue in particular to kinda turn a blind eye to the shenanigans that was going on at Cheated Hearts. People would be dancing on pot plants and just generally losing their shit – it was awesome to watch people just completely lose control! Someone crowdsurfing
I haven’t seen this in a club before and to see someone crowdsurfing was just incredible! It was such an epic moment: you only really see that happen at festivals.