It's coming up to that time of year again where we vigorously brainstorm how to be a 'better person' next year.
Yes, I'm talking about those New Year's resolutions that tend to last about the first week into January, best intentions turned to mulch. With a higher rate of failure than success, why do we keep making promises that we are so obviously not going to keep? Let's make 2014 the year of the 'kept resolution'. Here are ten ideas to make this easier.
1. Eat More Chocolate

A recent Swedish study found that people who ate one or two servings of dark chocolate a week cut their risk of heart failure by as much as a third, while a German study showed that a daily square of dark chocolate lowers blood pressure and reduces the risk of a heart attack or stroke by 39 per cent. Other health benefits of this guilty pleasure include preventing diabetes, reducing stress, increasing intelligence — even sun protection.
2. Give Your Wardrobe A Makeover

If you are addicted to fashion and the latest trends this might be the resolution for you. It's time to take a deep breath, delve into the depths of your overflowing wardrobe and eliminate all garments that you no longer fit into, haven't worn in the last year or are just no longer flattering. Chuck them all into a huge garbage bag and take them to your local charity clothing store. Not only are you helping create space for any new fashion purchases and allowing for easy access to those drop dead gorgeous frocks, you'll feel good knowing that your 'outdated' clothes are being put to good use.
3. Drink More Red Wine

Rather than unconvincingly vowing to give up the drink all together, why not enjoy a daily glass of red wine and the health benefits that come with it? Apart from that boost of confidence this beverage gives as you sip along, recent studies have found that red wine can go as far as helping in the fight against cancer. New research is uncovering that resveratrol, the same red wine antioxidant that helps protect the heart, can also help in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer's disease. Now that's something to raise a glass to!
4. Have More Sex

Make 2014 a year of passion with research showing the numerous positive effects of a healthy sex life. Reduced stress, deeper sleep, a stronger immune system and of course a super-toned bod and youthful glow all come from spending more time under the sheets.
5. Sleep More

6. Devote More Time To Yourself

Be selfish this year and devote more time to yourself. Too often life gets away with us and we forget to stop and breathe. Start scheduling time to rediscover those hobbies that you once loved — read a book, indulge yourself, go for a walk or just lock yourself in your room and mediate. Everyone needs an escape from the hectic hassles of society.
7. Drink Real Coffee

How many times have you opted for the decaf over a regular coffee? It feels like the healthier choice, even if it tastes revolting. Well, you may have been wasting your time. Research shows that decaf is just as bad for you as the real stuff, if not worse. While both can lead to heart disease, the removal of caffeine from a product which naturally contains it means the addition of unnatural chemicals such as formaldehyde, which is not something that should be consumed on a daily basis. It is also impossible to completely eliminate the caffeine, so the negative effects of regular coffee sill exist, just in smaller portions.
So if you're going to have a coffee, stop kidding yourself and grab a decent one. If you want to be 'healthy' have a green tea.
8. Take Time Off And Travel

It's time to pack your bags and have a holiday! Workers who have time off are more productive, have higher morale and are overall less stressed. Not only will you be bright and fresh from your relaxing time, if you travel within Australia you will be benefiting the economy, giving your dollar to the tourism industry and therefore lowering taxes and increasing jobs for your fellow Australians.
9. Exercise Less

Increased exercise is one of the most commonly unkept New Year's resolutions out there. Well, good news — studies show that too much exercise can be just as harmful as sitting on the couch all day. Not only can exercise become addictive and therefore interrupt the rest of your everyday life and relationships, excessive exercise can lead to body perception disorders, cause diabetes, damage joints and lead to premature aging.
10. Laugh More

Take life less seriously. A powerful antidote to stress, pain, and conflict, nothing is more effective in bringing your mind and body back into balance than a good laugh. There is nothing more contagious than laughter, so by helping yourself you'll also be helping others enjoy the humor of life. If that's not incentive enough, researchers at Vanderbilt University found adults burn an average of 1.3 calories per minute while laughing with their friends. What a fun way to lose weight!