Volunteering Gold Coast is seeking approximately 50 volunteers to assist with the RSPCA's Million Paws Walk. The walk seeks to raise awareness and money for animal care in Queensland.
The various positions include parking attendants, raffle ticket sellers, dog holders, food and beverage attendants, photographers and many more.
Volunteers are required to attend a compulsory training session on Thursday May 16, 2013. The training/information session will be held at the Broadbeach Library from 6-7 pm.
RSPCA Queensland cares for more than 44,000 animals yearly. Among these, 18,000 are dogs that desperately need care. The RSPCA is asking for funds to care for these dogs as well as hopefully finding them a new, friendly home.
The Million Paws Walk is being held at 28 locations throughout Queensland and for those unable to attend the walk, they can still fundraise by creating an online fund-raising page. This way family, friends, colleagues etc. can contribute with funds as well. The Million Paws Walk will be held Sunday May 19, 2013.