The Internet Has Discovered Another Yanny/Laurel Audio Illusion – What Do You Hear?

What do you hear?
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Remember our mates Yanny and Laurel? Or was it Yanny? Or. . . Was it Laurel?

Relationships ended. Workplaces filled with tension. Families torn apart. The Yanny/Laurel crisis of 2018 spread through the internet like wildfire, dividing the globe in half and making us all question our hearing.

And now. . . some staff from Australian skincare brand Tribe have taken to Tik Tok and Instagram to once again ruin everyone's brains with an audio illusion which sounds like not one, not two, not even three, but SEVEN different terms.

The clip repeats the word/s over and over again as the girls point to all seven possibilities, resulting in a complete over-stimulation of the eyes and ears. Help.

The possible phrases are 'iPhone', 'Fortnite', '4,9', 'Nice one', 'Nightfall', '9,4' and 'Eye for an eye'. Go insane below. . .

People commenting have decided to make things even worse by proclaiming that what they hear doesn't match any of the possibilities!

"Throw a knife", one user said. "I hear nice phone", another concluded.

Great, can't wait to play this on loop for hours and rock back and forth in the fetal position.

What do you hear? Are you still suffering from the trauma of Yanny and Laurel? And hey. . . Was that dress black and blue, or white and gold? What is the meaning of life?

We are spiralling.

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