Everyone from Adele to Ellen DeGeneres and Michelle Obama have participated in the Mannequin Challenge... the newest viral internet video trend.
And on Monday morning, Star Wars fans residing in Sydney will gather to be a part of the Ultimate Star Wars Mannequin Challenge in celebration of the release of advanced ticket sales for 'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story'.
Using a one-take video technique, fans dressed in their finest Star Wars costumes and cosplay outfits will be choreographed to create a scene between the Rebels and the Empire forces. The scene will work its way through George St Event Cinemas.
The event takes place on Monday 28 November (505/525 George St, Sydney) with fans asked to arrive from 5.45am, with the one-take filming commencing from 6.30am. Your focus determines your reality.
National release of the Rogue One advance-ticket sales is 8am AEDT.