Rolling Stone Sued For $25m Bogus Rape Story

The 'rape' allegation as published in Rolling Stone.
Founder and Publisher. Based in Brisbane.
Howard started Scene Magazine in 1993. Paul Keating was Prime Minister. Whitney, Janet and Mariah all had Aussie #1s and Mark Zuckerberg was 9. He (Howard, not The Zuck) likes Star Trek and a good Oxford Comma – way too much fun at parties.

Rolling Stone magazine is being sued for $25 extra large for publishing a story claiming a woman was raped – a claim which was later debunked.

In 2014, Rolling Stone claimed the woman was raped at the Phi Kappa Psi chapter house in an article written by Sabrina Erdely. A police investigation found major incosistencies with the claimant's version of events. Erdely apologised saying, "Reporting on rape has unique challenges, but the journalist still has the responsibility to get it right," she said. "I hope that my mistakes in reporting this story do not silence the voices of victims that need to be heard

CNN has reported the fraternity has now filed a $25 million suit against the magazine. It claims, among other things, 'Rolling Stone published the article with reckless disregard for the truth'.

The publication of the story prompted demonstrations, attacks and graffiti against the school which shut down activity for the remainder of the school year.

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