McManus Slams SMH For 'Gutter Journalism'

Andrew McManus at Fashion Aid 2012
Founder and Publisher. Based in Brisbane.
Howard started Scene Magazine in 1993. Paul Keating was Prime Minister. Whitney, Janet and Mariah all had Aussie #1s and Mark Zuckerberg was 9. Over 30 years he's overseen the growth of scenestr magazine to become Australia's largest – and only national – street press while forging a digital-first imperative for the title in the mid-naughties. He's judged more battle of the bands than he cares to remember and proud of the myriad media partnerships the company has earned across the music, arts and comedy sectors. He likes Star Trek and a good Oxford Comma – way too much fun at parties.

Australian concert promoter, Andrew McManus has taken the Sydney Morning Herald to task with accusations of gutter journalism.

McManus claims a "defaming and character damaging article was published by Kate McClymont of the Sydney Moring Herald on 27th June. Within the article, Miss McClymont (49) made false and libellous statements hiding behind journalistic protection and the draconian deformation laws with financial ceilings that have been set into Australian law."

In a press release issued earlier this week, McManus asserted "Miss McClymont claims I avoided tax. How does she justify this statement? I know I can verify a $8,000 a month plan I make to the Australian Tax Office paying off past taxes totalling over “A Quarter of a Million Dollars”. This payment is for a company of which I was one of three Directors. I am now paying all three Directors shares to make sure all taxes are paid (copy of ATO instalment plan available for justification)."

McManus ramps up the claim with an accusation of McCymont lying. "Miss McClymont claims I withheld funds from bands including Fleetwood Mac. Probably the most scurrilous and damaging claim she made, one that is so laughable to its moronic core! A statement that is an unadulterated lie. Without divulging commercially sensitive information, Fleetwood Mac know they received all their fee in full and on time, their taxes were paid in full and on time and no monies were ever withheld.

"It is astonishing Miss McClymont never requested an interview, asked a question or made contact with me directly. It is much easier to fabricate and damage someone when they can’t respond or retaliate. Miss McClymont makes a claim I had been bankrupt (Supreme Court document available on request proving no Andrew McManus ever being declared bankrupt between 1978 and 2013) – surely I would be aware if I had been and lived through the embarrassment of what a bankrupt individual goes through?

"What has Miss McClymont to gain by dragging up a difficult time marred by health issues via painkiller and alcohol dependence? What has she to gain by making mention of good people alongside a cash deal that recluded any commercial arrangement I had been involved with?

"Miss McClymont may hide behind the deep pockets and layers of lawyers afforded by Fairfax Media, but every dog has their day and bad news sells newspapers, irrespective of the damage done to name, business and affiliates directly affected by the slander.

"Gutter journalism by a bottom feeder."

Andrew McManus has toured artists such as Fleetwood Mac, Def Leppard, Whitney Houston, Snoop Dogg, Chris Isaak, Chicago. He also promoted the Raggamuffin Festivals, of which the 2011 Brisbane leg was controversial on account of ticketing issues and the redesignation of the event as charitable.

scenestr did not contact the Sydney Morning Herald for comment.

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