Holey Moley Golf Clubs have added Pacman, Tetris, The Simpsons, Willy Wonker, a Mexican Wall to their back nine.
742 Evergreen Terrace is set to be the most photographed hole at Holey Moley around Australia. The replica The Simpsons’ loungeroom is a hit in Melbourne and has now been added to the Brisbane course.
There are two clever nods to the late 80s with the Pacman (a neon experience of course), and the Teetris where putters have to negotiate falling blocks. The Oom-Par Loom-Par Doompadee Tee is utterly brilliant – players tee off through a wonderful garden into the Wonka factory door, they hit the big red button and watch as their ball is sucked through the pipes, down the ramps, through the musical instruments and onto a giant Wonka bar.

And yes there's a Food Truck serving pizzas including The Cheese & Thank You (classic margherita), The MotherClucker (mozzarella, chicken pieces, red onion on a sweet chilli base), The Parloha (mozzarella, ham, pineapple and secret pizza sauce) and The Big Tony (mozzarella, pepperoni and secret pizza sauce).