Pistol and Boo Inspire Video Mash-Up

Johnny Depp
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

The frenzy over Johnny Depp's dogs, Pistol and Boo, has inspired Aussie video mash-up specialist Huw Parkinson to strike again.

Parkinson has fun superimposing Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce's comments and vision into Pirates of the Caribbean. Winning lines include "... if you start letting movie stars, even though they've been sexiest man alive, twice… why don't we just break the laws for everybody."

"It's time that Pistol and Boo buggered off back to the United States... Mr Depp will have to take his dogs back to California or we'll have to euthanase. them." Depps dogs have safely left the country — in a private jet.

Parkinson's previous politico jabs have included both a Seinfeld and Ghostbusters mash-up.

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