Perth's Amplifier Savaged Over Female Staff Dress Code Apology

Amplifier 'Male' T-shirt
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Howard started Scene Magazine in 1993. Paul Keating was Prime Minister. Whitney, Janet and Mariah all had Aussie #1s and Mark Zuckerberg was 9. He (Howard, not The Zuck) likes Star Trek and a good Oxford Comma – way too much fun at parties.

Perth club Amplifer is in damage control following a social media backlash – first on a dress code policy, then on the apology.

A female staff member at the CBD venue took to social media highlighting the establishment's requirement for female staff to wear low-cut shirts.

amplifier staff insta

A duty manager had posted on an internal message board:

“To our amazing Bar Ladies, as we have been busy raising the dress code on our doors our focus is now shifting to bars.

“One thing that has slipped for a while is the tolerance of girls wearing the men’s uniform shirt while on bar – from next week I will be taking your men’s shirt back from you and replacing it with the ladies bar uniform shirt.”

David Heaton, Amplifier's owner posted directly beneath the message As a condition of your employment, the team member is required to wear the uniform. If you don’t feel comfortable in the uniform then you are welcome to find employment elsewhere."

Following a meltdown on social media and negative commentary from union United Voice and feminist commentator, Clementine Ford, Heaton reversed the policy and sought to clarify that his "find employement elsewhere line" was a 'throwaway comment' and released the following statement via Amplifier's Facebook Page. Then the Internet.

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