Perth's Origin NYE might be going ahead full steam, but its promoter's Audi R8 isn't. Anymore.
Saran Singh Bajaj is alleged by police to have been driving drunk after partying hard on Melbourne Cup day. It is alleged Mr Bajaj lost control of his $250,000 Audi R8 and smashed into a Daewoo which was parked on the street, pushing it into a Subaru Liberty, which was also parked nearby, reports Perth Now.
Apparently Bajaj's car then hit a tree before crashing into a wall striking another causing it to collide into a Mitsubishi Pajero. All this went down near the intersection of Bricknell and Kingsall Roads, Attadale.
Last time we checked, drunk driving voids an at-fault insurance claim. Come on Perth, get those Origin NYE tickets. Perhaps catch a cab home, though.