Cassandra Jane is not your average 37-year-old mum.
The reigning Miss Nude World was crowned World Champion of Exotic Dance, Best Burlesque Dancer and Most Beautiful Face at the Grand Prix of Exotic Dance competition (GPED) held in Wisconsin, Milwaukee recently. Holding true to her promise, Cassandra donated her prize money to the Wisconsin Big Cat Rescue & Educational Centre.
The bubbly bombshell opened up as we talked motherhood, tigers and honesty.

Why did you donate your prize money to the Wisconsin Big Cat Rescue & Educational Centre?
Honestly? I didn't have a working visa, so I couldn't get into the country. When GPED invited me, I told them that, but that I wouldn’t mind coming over and competing for charity. I asked them and they said yes!
Are you passionate about any other causes?
Yeah, It was really cool because I wanted to do some charity stuff here in Australia, like helping the little Tasmanian devils, because they're dying. And I am a Leo, so the Big Cat Center was perfect.
You’ve long been ranked Australia's number one adult entertainer; will you compete in Australia again?
I'm not going to compete in Australia because I won’t give anyone the satisfaction of beating me. I don’t want to think about it, I’d never hear the end of it. And you’re more likely to get recognition and work from overseas competitions than the ones here, which are really just little stripper titles.

Why do you compete in these kinds of competitions?
I am a very competitive person and love entertaining of any kind; burlesque, strip. I’ve been doing it so long now; I don’t get nervous at all.
How does it feel to beat women a lot younger than you?
For the GPED, there was a Queen division and a Princess division; I took out the Queen. But for Miss Nude World, I beat women almost 20 years younger than me. That was liberating.
What are your secrets to staying in killer shape?
I have to work really hard, unfortunately. You see all these people that don’t do anything, and you think, ‘ah, you bitch!’
Is it harder to stay fit as you get older?
Yeah, I have to eat really well, stay strict, drink a lot of water, and go to the gym every day.
What does your daughter think of it?
She knows what I do. She's seen the movie Burlesque. I’m not going to hide anything from her, but it's not like I sit there and tell her I get naked and do this and that. It’s not like that.
Do you have any conservative friends who don’t approve?
I’ve never had anyone be nasty about it to my face, but when my daughter started school this year, her father and other people were in my ear saying, 'you're going to ruin her life, she's going to get teased at school because of what you've done, and what you do’. I’m not doing anything wrong. I’m entertaining, I love to entertain, and I shouldn’t have to stop my job because I’ve had a child.