No Funeral For Fred Phelps

Fred Phelps
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Fred Phelps — founder and former leader of the Westboro Baptist Church — will not have a funeral.

Phelps, known for his irrational hatred of "fags", Jews, and just about everybody else, died overnight, according to his son, Timothy Phelps.

WIBW Local News reports that Margie Phelps, Fred's daughter, says there will be no funeral for him. Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church were widely despised for picketing the funerals of homosexuals, soldiers, celebrities, children and anyone else they thought would get them press coverage. 

Kansas LGBT group Equality Kansas had urged people not to picket Phelps' funeral in retaliation, but that's a moot point now.

Phelps was reportedly excommunicated from his own church in August last year.

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