Pedestrian.TV teams up with the new virgin cocktail range of Lipton Ice Tea, Contiki, Ben Sherman, Mini, Sydney’s Marquee, Huawei, Bonds and The St Vincent de Paul’s Society to transfer social youths from their natural habitat of dance clubs into the cultural expanse of a national photo exhibit on a summer’s day.
Take extraordinary temperatures found only at the climax of an Australian subtropical summer, boost with the restorative presence of a pool and a spattering of amusing floating knick knacks and enhance with Last Dinosaurs DJs holding court at the wheels of steel as they dish up the best in summer sounds from Jamiroquai to The Strokes. Cap with the newest taste sensations of Lipton Ice Tea’s virgin cocktail flavours — mojito, daiquiri and pina colada — while drinking in a variety of summer moments captured from around Australia for the 2012 Pedestrian.TV Photography Awards, and Saturday afternoon in a sweltering summer just got more interesting.

Cleverly embody the sights, sounds, tastes, smells and touches of summer with photographic pop culture represented in aspects of our every day lifestyle, and skillfully wrap in the occasion of a national photo exhibit held at a pool party on the Pool Terrace of The Novotel Brisbane Hotel.

The digital house of pop culture, Pedestrian.TV invited protogs, enthusiastic snappers and any Tom Dick or Harry with a phone from around Australia to participate in the 2012 Photographic Awards.

Combine the best of Australia’s summer and lifestyle with trademarks that successfully engage youth culture, and serve as a cultural reflection of moments captured from an active lifestyle involving fashion, music, social, mobile, art, sport and travel.