The organiser of an illegal and subsequently shut-down party is blaming the Police for turning up and ruining his party.
Hundreds of gatecrashers arrived to the West End (Brisbane) event but host, Jacob Ney, claims it only escalated because police intervened. "Police rock up and young people know that the party is going to get shut down, that's why they all go psycho and start swinging at the police, that's what police don't realise, they're the main cause," Mr Ney said.
Channel Nine said Jacob Ney spent months planning the party and put the word out on Facebook. "There was a lot of my friends there but I think the word just got around. I'm not gonna lie, there was under-age drinking. "There was no glass bottles but they could bring their own alcohol."

The teenager told Channel Nine he is already planning his 21st birthday and warns police it is "going to be even bigger. I'll warn you this time, but I'm telling you now, it's going to be bigger and better so just watch it," he said. "I'm really angry… ruined my birthday."
Along with under-age drinking and the fire safety issues with holding a party in a warehouse, the local council claims the owner of the building did not have a permit and could face thousands of dollars in fines.