One in three Australian women will be diagnosed with cancer by the age of 85.
It's a statistic that's thrown around all the time, but how often do we actually stop to think about it? That's your best friend, or your mother, your sister, your squash partner, or that cute girl at Starbucks that always remembers your order. It could even be you.
Thankfully, we can fight these statistics by helping to raise money to fund women's cancer research, prevention programs and support services. This October (and November) women across Australia will be partaking in Girls' Night In, an initiative that strives to raise over $3.6 million for the fight against women's cancers.
The idea of Girls' Night In is simple: pick any date in October or November, invite the girls over for a dinner party/slumber party/book club/DVD marathon/gossip session (most likely option) and have everyone donate what they would have spent on a night out to the Cancer Council. Judging by the result of our weekend, we estimate that it won't take long to smash the $3 million mark.
This year, seven celebrity ambassadors are championing the Cancer Council's cause: Neighbours actress Gemma Pranita, Home & Away actress Rhiannon Fish, radio and television presenter Charli Robinson, Channel Nine News presenter Alison Ariotti, celebrity chef Karen Martini, Nashville actress Clare Bowen and TV presenter and foodie, Alana Lowes.
"I believe that Girls' Night In is an incredible initiative to raise awareness about women's cancers and the impact it can have on family and friends. I'm really looking forward to having a night in with the girls at the same time, know that I'll be supporting thousands of people who've been touched by cancer in some way," says Neighbours star Gemma Pranita, who'll be joining in with her own girlfriends and cast mates.

"In comparison to most of my friends," says H&A star Rhiannon Fish, "I'm a bit of a Nanna. I don't go out very much and I absolutely love spending quality nights in. So this is the perfect excuse to rope my gorgeous party animal girlfriends in for the night! Not to mention, it's for a truly wonderful cause. I believe that Girls Night In is the perfect way to do something fun to raise awareness for something that has touched so many of our lives."
Every dollar raised will help the Cancer Council fight breast and gynaecological cancer, and here are a few ways that your contribution will help:
• $10 can help produce a cancer information book that provides clear and accurate information about specific gynaecological cancers.
• $50 can help pay for Cancer Council Helpline calls that can inform and reassure women about their cancer diagnosis.
• $100 can help us provide a room for the night for women who need to stay away from home to access treatment.
• $500 can go towards funding a grant for new research into ovarian cancer.
Not only is Girls' Night In dedicated to an amazing cause, it's a good excuse to spend time with the important women in your life. When have you ever had better incentive to eat chocolate and trash talk your boyfriend?
Plus, those new suede shoes will make it through the night alive and you probably won't do anything you regret.