Hamish And Andy Are The Men of the Year

Hamish And Andy
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

It's that special time of year again when GQ holds their annual awards ceremony, with Hamish and Andy taking out the jackpot, deemed GQ's Men of the Year.

The award was presented by GQ Australia editor Ceri David and promptly followed by the traditional Scottish toast featuring a rare 18-year-old Chivas whisky.

“The first award we won together was the Barry McIver award,” Andy reminisced.

“My mum made it for us, at our first Melbourne Comedy Festival. The official one you can win is the Barry Award, named after Barry Humphries. That’s for the best of the best. We were not the best of the best. So Mum went to the trophy shop and made us an award,” added Hamish.

GQ editor David said: “The GQ Men of the Year Awards celebrate extraordinary men who embody what it is to be a true gentleman. Hamish and Andy have proven themselves to be smart, creative, tenacious and funny. They aren’t afraid to take risks in order to make their mark and, most of all, they never forget to enjoy life. They embrace the spirit of the successful Australian man of today.”

Scattered among the high-class Australian talent, recipients included; Russell Crowe for Icon of the Year, Jimmy Barnes for Legend of the Year, Ashley Hart for Woman of the Year, James Magnussen for Inspiration of the Year, Baz Luhrmann for Visionary of the Year and Dave Thornton for Comedian of the Year.

“I remember it well,” Dave commented on his first on-stage appearance. “It was like a near death experience. Geelong Performing Arts centre, 2002, and I’d never even stood on stage or held a mic before. My mind went blank for a full 15 seconds. I was crippled by fear. Fear and... No, actually just fear. Fear upon fear, like a lasagne of fear. Even now, it’s still a pretty intense experience. It’s very physical, very visceral, there’s a lot of adrenalin pumping.”

Special performances by the Rubens and Gossling were also features of the black tie dinner and awards ceremony.

The GQ issue also featured categories such as Politician of the Year, which was awarded to Malcolm Turnbull, and Solo Artist of the Year, which was (obvs) snatched up by Flume.

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