Greta Lee Jackson Posts Heartfelt Video Thanking Celebrities For Everything They Do For Us

Comedian Greta Lee Jackson posts a video thanking our celebrities for their efforts during COVID-19.
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Surely it's time for the glut of celebrity videos imploring us to stay safe, inside and that we'll get through this together to stop. Immediately.

We get the message, as does the curve. That nasty, nasty curve. Flatten yourself this instant.

Sydney comedian Greta Lee Jackson (who proclaims not to be a celebrity at the start of the clip) doesn't agree posting the following, heartfelt video from normal, everyday Aussies thanking our celebrities for rescuing them from some dark, tough times.

Oh, it's meant to be ironic. Got it. Thanks Greta.

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